Saturday, January 16, 2016

STUDYPATH* January 18-22, 2016

In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.


The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up

Monday January 18
Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a legal holiday, and classes are not in session

Tuesday January 19
Problem-Solution paper is due on web site by 8:30 A.M.; follow "Focus on Writing" Prewriting and Writing guidelines
Contemporary Composition textbooks "Rhetoric of War" unit continues in class

Wednesday January 20
Literary terms 51-60 continue from Literature and Integrated Studies; textbooks are required in class Wednesday and Thursday
Contemporary Composition textbooks "Rhetoric of War" unit continues in class
Writer's Choice grammar is scheduled; Writer's Choice textbooks are required in class
LA Times Letter to the Editor template distributed and assignment explanation of rules and regulations; Letter to the Editor #1 due Friday (hard copy)

Thursday January 21
Literary terms 51-60 continue from Literature and Integrated Studies; textbooks are required in class
Harlem Renaissance reading selections assigned and due Monday (hard copy): from Dust Tracks on a Road Hurston and from Black Boy Wright

Friday January 22
LA Times Letter to the Editor #1 is due in class (hard copy)
The Great Gatsby novels assigned; dialectical journals for Chapters One-Three (five per chapter) are due Tuesday (hard copy)

"The Minister's Black Veil" Nathaniel Hawthorne:  Minister's Black Veilaccess the story at the following web site:
Mead EAP (Early Assessment Program) paper assigned to prepare for Smarter Balanced Assessment