In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday May 28
Today is Memorial Day, a legal federal holiday, and classes are not in session
Students copy script lines on index cards provided in class last Friday
Tuesday May 29
Dry-run presentations of an original act written by students (Act V of Arthur Miller's The Crucible) are scheduled in Room 502; all teams participate in dry-run and complete scoring rubric sheet for feedback
Student use index cards for dry-run performances (index cards provided in class last Friday)
Wednesday May 30
Presentations of an original act written by students (Act V of Arthur Miller's The Crucible) are scheduled in Room 502
Thursday May 31
Students total points using rubrics provided for presentations in Room 502; scores are added to Schoology
Final mastery test for Vocabulary Workshop is scheduled in class
Back to the Lake textbooks due in class for literary terms 26-30 review
Friday June 1
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information
Literary terms test 21-30 is scheduled in class (classification-critical analysis)
Vocabulary Workshop textbooks are returned to textbook room
Back to the Lake textbooks are returned to textbook room