In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday March 14
ELA Performance Task is administered
UPFRONT NYT assignment is scheduled and due Wednesday
Unit Eight Vocabulary Workshop test is scheduled Thursday; Unit Nine responses are due Friday
Unit Nine Vocabulary Workshop responses are due in class Friday
Due: Outline, Works Cited, Thumbnails, Cover Page and Block Quotes on Tuesday, March 29 (draft of works cited page, draft of thumbnails with captions and credits; draft of outline for Salem Witch Hunt vs. 1950s Red Scare research paper; draft of cover page; draft of block quotes--these drafts will be scored and returned to students with corrections and suggestions before paper due date of April 1)
Tuesday March 15
Eleventh grade ICA administered
Wednesday March 16
Eleventh grade ICA administered
Thursday March 17
Unit Eight Vocabulary Workshop test is scheduled
Logic of a Columnist assignment introduced and due date set
Friday March 18
Unit Nine Vocabulary Workshop responses are due in class today
Spring break assignments are reviewed and due dates set (includes NYT Upfront assignments, Letter to the Editor assignment and Contemporary Composition Rhetoric of War assignments)
Check STUDYPATH over the weekend for next week's assignments and class information
Research paper deadline is April 1