In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
Monday January 25
Hawthorne's "Minister's Veil" assigned and due Friday (hard copy)
Vocabulary Workshop Unit Three responses due Wednesday; test is scheduled Thursday
Rhetoric of War unit continues in class all week
Letter to the Editor #2 is due Thursday on by 8:30 A.M.
Mead paper is scheduled and due at end of period; students use prewriting to complete assignment
Great Gatsby novels checked out this week and dialectical journals assigned for Chapters One-Three
Tuesday January 26
Literary terms 61-70 continue in class; test is scheduled tomorrow
Rhetoric of War Unit continues in class; "Make Metaphor No More" article
Wednesday January 27
Literary terms 61-70 test is scheduled
Writer's Choice grammar textbook is required in class; responses are due for Pages 565-566-567, Exercises One and Two (1-10)
Thursday January 28
Unit Three Vocabulary Workshop test is scheduled
Friday January 29
"Minister's Veil" Hawthorne assignment due today (hard copy)
Research paper due date: April 1, 2016