The Lesson of Ups
Show Up, Keep Up, Speak Up, Measure Up
The Americas handout and selection test are scheduled in class
Words High School Students Should Know (WHSSSK) are due today
- WHSSSK components: definition, syllable divide, diacritical marking, part of speech
Narrative paper is due on turnitin.com web site by 8:30 A.M. on Thursday, August 22
Journal: Literary terms and rhetorical devices and introduction to sentences continues
SAT multiple choice
Anthologies are required in class Wednesday for reading and writing assignment; Of Plymouth Plantation, Canassetego (sp) and Life of Mary Jemison
Periods Five and Seven do not meet today
Spanish Explorers in the Americas (handout)
Anthologies are due in class for reading and writing assignment for Of Plymouth Plantation, "Offer of Help," and "Life of Mary Jemison"
Anthologies are due in class
Multiple choice passage, stems and distractors practice for the SAT
Check STUDYPATH for next week's assignments and class information
Literary terms, rhetorical devices and introduction to sentences continues in class