In-class assignments and class updates trump published blogs.
Final Mastery Test from Vocabulary Workshop is scheduled today; books must be brought to class for return to textbook room
"Winter Dreams" F. Scott Fitzgerald short story from anthology is scheduled and talking points (ten) are due Thursday for class discussion next week
Responses for The Great Gatsby are due Friday for class discussion; questions will be assigned in class today
Consumable Contemporary Composition textbook is due in class all week for "How Open Is The Door" unit; writing assignments will be scheduled
CST test preparation multiple choice is scheduled all week in class
Writer's Choice books are required in class
Letter to the editor is due
In-class timed writing scheduled for F. Scott Fitzgerald's short story "Winter Dreams" is postponed to next week; response is scheduled Friday, April 19
Work in "How Open Is The Door" unit from Contemporary Composition textbook continues
The Great Gatsby class discussion for Chapters One-Two is scheduled; responses to questions assigned Monday are due in class today
"Winter Dreams" F. Scott Fitzgerald short story talking points class discussion is scheduled next week